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Heritage Middle School Students Learn to Stand Up to Bullying
Sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students at Heritage Middle School participated in an assembly that empowers them to stop bullying. Sweethearts & Heroes is an organization that educates and motivates students about how to stop bullying.

2018-03-01 11:24:59
Important follow-up message from our Superintendent

2018-02-28 15:27:46
Young Writer's Programs by the Hudson Valley Writing Project
If you know of any students who love to write, please let their parents know about these Young Writer's Programs this summer through the Hudson Valley Writing Project. For ages 7-17.

2018-02-20 08:39:30
Superintendent's Message about School Safety Event - Follow-up message included
Click the title of this post to read the letter from the Superintendent Dr. Padilla. Available in English and Spanish.

2018-02-16 14:40:22
Heritage Students Host Valentine's Day Dance!
The dance was open to all 6th-8th graders. The event was sold out, selling 250 tickets!

2018-02-16 07:16:27
Heritage Students Cards and Donate Toys to Local Child
e were told that he wanted a lot of Valentine’s Dat cards this year. My students worked very hard to make cards for him, and brought in money and Legos for Gabriel.

2018-02-16 07:06:34
Goldbacks in the News! Heritage Scholars are Featured in the Mid Hudson Times this week!
Each week, the Mid Hudson Times poses questions to students. This week, the question was: “If you could be friends with anyone from history, who would it be and why?

2018-02-02 08:52:40
HMS and NFA Families: Scoliosis Screening
During the next several weeks the nurses in the health office will be conducting postural screenings.

2018-01-25 09:49:40
Students recognized for participation in the District wide 4th Annual Winter Card Contest!
During Tuesday's Board of Education Meeting, students and teachers were recognized for their participation and support of the district wide Annual Winter Card Contest. This event leads up to the Annual Celebration of the Arts happening next month.

2018-01-11 07:59:28
Update To District Calendar
The Board of Education recently approved changes to the district calendar concerning January 25 and 30th.

2018-01-10 12:31:18
FBI Presents to Classes at Heritage Middle School
Heritage Middle School welcomed members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to speak to students about various job opportunities within the organization and personal cyber security for our students.

2018-01-08 12:54:04
Become a new scholarship sponsor for an NFA Senior!
Each year the NFA scholarship program gives away over $100,000 in scholarships through the generous donations of local people and organizations. You can join us!

2018-01-02 10:12:37
Empire State After-School Program Registration Now Available
Registration for the Empire State After-School Program is now available for students in grades 6-12. Register online now. Space is limited

2017-12-21 14:41:02
Heritage Middle School Bands Perform
Under the direction of, Mr. Michael Hickey, the 6th grade band and the 7th & 8th grade bands performed traditional songs and songs that put a 'twist' on traditional seasonal songs.

2017-12-19 14:50:32
Middle School Selection sheets are due soon!
Take a few minutes to watch videos from two of our Middle Schools before you hand in your selection!

2017-12-12 08:48:49
Facebook Live Chat with Superintendent Dr. Roberto Padilla
The superintendent is looking forward to hearing from you! Please take the opportunity to join in and chat with him live about the topics we all care about throughout the district.

2017-12-04 09:12:00
Heritage Middle School students Donate Clothing for Those in Need
Five years ago, students from Heritage Middle School developed the concept of H.O.P.E – meaning helping our people everywhere.

2017-12-01 13:09:20
Heritage Middle School student submits poems for contest
Poems were submitted as a project from the Annual Senator Larkin Thanksgiving Contest.

2017-11-21 13:38:53
Middle and High School Open Houses
The following open houses allow 5th and 8th grade students learn more about the schools they may be attending next year.

2017-11-20 08:58:13
Girls to Ladies coordinate coat drives in Heritage and NFA North
Girls to Ladies starts at Heritage and continues in the high school. All three high schools are welcome and participate. Coats were collected from donation bins that had been set up at Heritage and NFA North.

2017-11-16 22:18:30
24 of Our Teachers Became Project Lead the Way Certified!
This month 24 Teachers from across the district became certified through Project Lead the Way. These Teachers will be working in the 21st Century After School Programs and at Vails Gate STEAM Academy one on one with students.

2017-11-14 10:38:17
Attention All District Families: Take the Annual K12 Insight Survey.
We’re committed to working with you to prepare our students to be tomorrow’s leaders. Only by listening to our community can we ensure our schools are setting up all our students for excellence.

2017-11-13 21:11:56
Register Now for Newburgh Armory Unity Center Activities for Grades PreK-6th
Parents now is the time for you to take advantage of the free and educational opportunities available at the Newburgh Armory. They are offering the courses and activities for children Pre-K through Grade 6.

2017-11-08 20:05:06
Heritage Families: Student Led Conferences Sign Up
Links are available for parents to sign up for conferences on 11/15/17 (4:30-8 PM) and 11/22/17 (7:30-11 AM).

2017-11-01 07:55:57
Parent University is November 15, 2017 - Register now!
Join us for an exciting evening featuring fun events, parent sessions , grab and go dinner, and more. Plus Kids Academy is back for children ages 5 and up.

2017-10-31 11:38:52

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