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South Middle School Hosts Movie Night: SCREENAGERS
amilies enjoyed popcorn and the movie. Afterward, Ms. Jen Ostrow, social worker and Mr. Kareem Donaldson, school counselor led a discussion about the movie and the emotional health of students as it relates to technology.

2018-02-16 13:21:47
South Middle School Hosts 5th Annual Books & Breakfast Event
Attracting more than 300 people on Saturday morning, SMS welcomed families, and many brought their own!

2018-02-14 08:33:44
Student Government at South Middle School Hosts: Screenagers. All are welcome!
We are thrilled to present SCREENAGERS: Growing Up in the Digital Age, a documentary about the biggest parenting issue of our time. Are you watching kids scroll through life, with their rapid-fire thumbs and a six-second attention span? Join us to

2018-02-08 09:26:05
Books and Breakfast Open to Everyone at South Middle School!
South Middle School is hosting Books and Breakfast event this Saturday, February 10, 2018. Sign ups are required!

2018-02-08 09:22:53
The Mid-Hudson Times Poses Question to South Middle School Students
Each week, the Mid-Hudson Times poses questions to students. This week, their question was:

2018-01-12 13:45:02
Ms. Rose's Exceptional Learners Class celebrates January birthdays!
Four students celebrated their 12th and 14th birthdays.

2018-01-12 13:37:53
Students recognized for participation in the District wide 4th Annual Winter Card Contest!
During Tuesday's Board of Education Meeting, students and teachers were recognized for their participation and support of the district wide Annual Winter Card Contest. This event leads up to the Annual Celebration of the Arts happening next month.

2018-01-11 07:59:28
South Middle School Families: Scoliosis Screening at SMS
During the next several weeks, the nurses in the Health Office will be conducting postural screenings at SMS.

2018-01-10 12:46:21
Update To District Calendar
The Board of Education recently approved changes to the district calendar concerning January 25 and 30th.

2018-01-10 12:31:18
South Middle School Faculty of the Week
South Middle School has received over 200 peer nominations for Faculty of the Week

2018-01-09 12:29:16
Books & Breakfast for South Middle School Families Now Available
Books and Breakfast is a family event for South Middle School families that will take place in the morning of February 10, 2018.

2018-01-08 09:18:04
Become a new scholarship sponsor for an NFA Senior!
Each year the NFA scholarship program gives away over $100,000 in scholarships through the generous donations of local people and organizations. You can join us!

2018-01-02 10:12:37
South Middle School Students Adopt 4 familites
Mr. Maher and Ms. Cellai supported students as they organized a food, clothing, and toy drive. Student Government students collected the majority of the food throughout the school.

2017-12-22 06:54:54
Empire State After-School Program Registration Now Available
Registration for the Empire State After-School Program is now available for students in grades 6-12. Register online now. Space is limited

2017-12-21 14:41:02
South Middle School performs Winter Concert
South Middle School performed their Winter Concert last week, featuring Concert Orchestra, 6th grade Chorus, Concert Band, and 7th & 8th grade Chorus.

2017-12-20 08:52:16
South Middle School Students Celebrate Elephant Day!
Students from South Middle School honored Elephant Day 2017 by hosting elephant themed activities geared toward raising money to be donated to a student selected organization.

2017-12-19 13:45:08
South Middle School Drama Department Presents: Hoodie
This middle school vignette play examines self-image and appearance. Middle schoolers face a tornado of questions every day. What do I wear? What if I wear the wrong thing? What is she wearing? What do I look like? Stop looking at me!

2017-12-13 17:17:35
Middle School Selection sheets are due soon!
Take a few minutes to watch videos from two of our Middle Schools before you hand in your selection!

2017-12-12 08:48:49
South MS PTG Family Morning Movie: Star Wars The Last Jedi
On December 16, 2017, the SMS PTG will be hosting a Family Morning Movie at Showtime Cinemas. Tickets are $6 per person

2017-12-06 14:34:41
Facebook Live Chat with Superintendent Dr. Roberto Padilla
The superintendent is looking forward to hearing from you! Please take the opportunity to join in and chat with him live about the topics we all care about throughout the district.

2017-12-04 09:12:00
Over 70 South Middle School students learn about art and visit Storm King Art Center
Throughout the day, students in multiple classes had an opportunity to create their own sculpture while incorporating elements of things they learn in their English class.

2017-12-01 12:20:49
South Middle School class celebrates Thanksgiving!
Ms. Lydia Rose and her mixed class of 6th - 8th grade Exceptional Learners celebrated Thanksgiving on Tuesday.

2017-11-21 21:30:12
Two young scholars teach Armory Board members chess!
Last week, two Newburgh students presented to the Newburgh Armory Unity Center Board of Directors.

2017-11-21 12:14:40
Middle and High School Open Houses
The following open houses allow 5th and 8th grade students learn more about the schools they may be attending next year.

2017-11-20 08:58:13
24 of Our Teachers Became Project Lead the Way Certified!
This month 24 Teachers from across the district became certified through Project Lead the Way. These Teachers will be working in the 21st Century After School Programs and at Vails Gate STEAM Academy one on one with students.

2017-11-14 10:38:17

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