(845) 563-3725     137 Montgomery Street, Newburgh, NY 12550

Horizons-on-the-Hudson Magnet School

Our School's Programs and Policies


School Hours

School office hours are from 8:30 to 4:30.  Staff supervision of students outside of the building begins at 9AM.  Unless specifically requested by individual teachers with administrative and parental approval, students should not arrive at the building before 9AM, as there is no one to supervise them.  Breakfast begins at 9AM.  School starts at 9:15AM with dismissal at 3:50PM.  Pre-K hours are 9:15 to 3:50PM. Dismissal for Half-days begins at 11:50AM 

Important Telephone Numbers

Main Office………..563-3725

Health Office………..563-3733

School Counselor………..563-3729


Board of Education………..563-3400

West Point Tours………..561-2671

Mid-State Bus Co………..566-7005

Gallagher Bus Co………..565-7700

Carroll Bus Co………..565-8300

Visconti ………..562-4040


International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program

Our Primary Years Program (PYP) curriculum includes academic and non-academic activities and programs. Our curricular program is organized into three components: the written, the taught and the assessed.  As we develop and/or revise our written curriculum, we are responsible for considering the Transdisciplinary Themes and the subjects-specific knowledge, concepts and skills.  These themes are used as overarching umbrellas that aim to promote international mindedness and represent shared human experiences.  HOH is committed to developing in students the qualities, attitudes and characteristics described in the IB Learner Profile to reinforce student connections to and with these themes. The school will continue to promote understanding by teachers and students of Personal, Social Physical Education (PSPE, IB document) as a subject area through continued collaborative planning and reflection on unit planners. The school will continue to foster and develop deeper understandings of inquiry-based and international minded learning on the part of teachers and students.  Through shared planning time and professional development opportunities, teachers will become more familiar with these practices and will apply them throughout the instructional day.

Click Here to Learn More About the IB Program



Students who excel in all academic areas and who achieve above and beyond the levels of their peers are candidates for Unlimited Horizons. Unlimited Horizons students have self-motivation, leadership ability, and the potential for exceptional intellectual and creative output. Each class in the "Unlimited Horizons Program" follows an accelerated-pathways, honors-prep program which involves the students in curriculum work advanced by one year.
     Kindergartners, for example, follow a strong 1st grade curriculum. Sixth graders are better prepared to go into 7th Grade Honors classes at the junior high school. This program is not designed for every child. Strong parental involvement is a crucial requirement of the program. Some of the special features of the "Unlimited Horizons Program" include a class size of no more than 20 students; an emphasis on higher-order, critical-thinking skills and problem solving; the opportunity to work with a curriculum a grade level above; and teachers trained in strategies to reach, motivate and challenge the abilities of accelerated students.



Early school closings or school cancellations may be necessary as a result of inclement weather or school emergency. In the event that we have an unscheduled early dismissal and/or emergency closing it is imperative that your child know where he/she should report if no one is at home.  Please be diligent in returning the Emergency Card (pink card) as well as the white card in the main office. You must update any changes with your phone number and address throughout the year with the main office.

Please listen to the following radio stations for announcements:

WHUD Peekskill 100.7 FM                            WSPK Poughkeepsie 104.7 FM

WGNY Newburgh 1220 AM                           WBNR Newburgh-Beacon 1260 AM

You may also log on to our web site

Teachers will be notified via Robocall for school closings.



There are times when a child must leave school before the formal dismissal time of 3:50 p.m.  If you know in advance that this is going to occur, please send a note to your child’s teacher informing us of the time your child will be leaving and who will be picking up your child. If an emergency arises you must call the school before 12:00 pm.  Any calls received after 3:00pm will not be honored. No pick-ups will be allowed between 3:30 and 3:50pm. All pick-ups will take place in the cafetorium between 3:45 – 4:10pm. If the person picking up your child is not named in the note or listed on the emergency card, we will not release your child.  Parents picking up children at dismissal time need to enter through the main entrance.  Proper Identification and signature are required.  Pick-up is supervised by school personnel. Remember that we must be notified, in writing, of who will be picking up your child, other than the parent or legal guardian. Students will not be released to anyone who is not on your child’s pink card. If you wish to pick up your child everyday rather than utilizing the transportation system, one "permanent" note will suffice. Pick-up time will be at 3:45pm. Whenever possible, please schedule appointments after-school to maximize your child’s learning time.  While emergency situations do occur, students miss valuable instructional time when they leave for dentist or doctor appointments.



We encourage frequent and positive home/school communication. At any time you may call the school and leave a voicemail for your child’s teacher.  If you wish to speak to a teacher in person please call to arrange an appointment at a mutually convenient time.

Formal parent/teacher conferences are held during the month of December.  An evening or a daytime appointment may be requested and every effort is made to accommodate your request. At that time, your child's first marking period report card will be shared with you and your child's progress to date will be discussed.  It is important that along with the classroom teacher you discuss areas of strength/achievement as well as areas of improvement/growth and reflect upon ways in which your child can further grow academically, socially, and emotionally.



 Requests for homework will be taken by the office on the day of the absence. Parents may call the school by 10AM to notify the school of student absence and to request homework. Teachers need early notification for homework requests. Homework material will be available in the main office at 3:30PM.

Teachers are not required to prepare special lessons and material for pupils who will miss school for vacation trips. Vacation trips on days that school is in session are considered illegal absences.



Report cards are issued three times during the school year, the first being at Parent-Teacher Conferences in the fall. All report card envelopes MUST be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the school. In addition to the regular report cards, “Supplementary Progress Reports” are sent home to parents approximately half way through each marking period for students that are experiencing difficulties in academic subject areas.  Report cards will not be issued unless any monies owed, such as library books/textbooks are returned. Report card marks are based on attendance, daily performance, completion of daily class work/homework, tests/quizzes, and class participation.



There is no cost for breakfast or lunch.



If your address or phone number changes during the school year, please report the change to your child's teacher and the main office so that our records are kept up-to-date.  We must have a working phone number for you at all times.



"Lost and Found" is located in the cafetorium.  If your child loses an article of clothing, eyeglasses, books, lunch bags, backpacks, etc. please ask him/her to check the “lost and found box”.



The school is not responsible for any articles belonging to students, which may be lost or stolen.  Items such as toys, jewelry, electronic devices of any kind like: ipods, cell phones should not be brought to school. 



Field Trips will be educational in nature, and they will be related to the International Baccalaureate Units of Study within each class.  Students may participate in field trips with written permission from a parent/guardian. Over the phone permission will not be accepted. Teachers will determine the criteria for field trip participation. Parents should make sure students dress appropriately for field trips i.e. proper shoes, sunscreen, bug spray, and outerwear. 

Each class participates in a variety of field trips. If chaperones are needed, parents are always welcome to volunteer for the trip.  As a chaperone, you will assist the teacher with supervision by overseeing a small group of students during the trip.  All chaperones must ride the bus with the class and under no circumstances may siblings be taken on class trips.  All chaperones must be over the age of 21 years.



Meetings are held on a bi-monthly basis. The P.T.O.’s main responsibility is to enhance the life of the students at Horizons-on-the-Hudson Magnet School.  Its focus is student centered with school-wide and grade level activities.  Horizons-on-the-Hudson Magnet School welcomes parent participation and volunteers.  If you have time during the school day to assist a teacher or read to a class, contact your child’s teacher.

Please follow HOH P.T.O. Facebook Account and HOH P.T.O. Shutterfly Account. To sign up go to horizonsonthehudsonpto@sfly.com and like us on Facebook at HOH-PTO.



As per New York State Law anyone entering the school building must show valid identification and sign in.  Please report to security desk and sign in before receiving a visitor's pass.  You must wear this pass at all times when in the building. This pass allows you to go only to your area of request.  Under no circumstance may parents or visitors "walk the halls" or visit a classroom unannounced.  When you leave the school you must return the pass to the security desk and sign-out.



Requests for bus passes must be in writing and include an explanation and phone number where an adult can be reached for verification. No phone calls will be accepted to change bussing.



Students are expected to attend school on time and to attend school every day that school is in session. Recognition will be made of students who have good attendance, including certificates of achievement and participation in special privileges and activities at each school.  

The only acceptable excuses for student absence are personal illness or emergency dental and medical appointments, death in the immediate family, religious observance, required attendance at court, or military obligations. 

Parents will be notified in writing or by phone if their child develops a pattern of unexcused absences or is regularly late to class. Teachers, counselors, and administrators will work with the child and the parents to improve class attendance and, if attendance is not improved, the principal might recommend action by social service agencies and/or Family Court to make certain that the child attends regularly and on time.  

A student who is absent from school must bring a written note from the parent or guardian when returning to school, explaining the reason for the absence. Students are expected to make up the school work which they missed when absent from school within a reasonable period of time upon returning to classes. 

Regular attendance at school and participation in all classes are very important to the academic success of your child.  You, in your capacity as parents or guardians, are valuable partners in helping the district encourage your child's participation in daily classes.  We have an obligation to work together to make certain that your child(ren) attend school every day. 

The Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy can be found in Appendix A of the District’s Code of Conduct, which your child’s school sent to you at the beginning of the school year. 

Students are expected to attend school daily.  Studies have clearly shown that there is a positive correlation between good attendance and academic success.  If a student will be absent from school, parents/ guardians are urged to call the school early in the morning. The student's name, grade and reason for absence should be reported.  It is the responsibility of the student to see that any classroom work, homework, or tests missed because of absence is made up.



Please notify the Main Office at 563-3725 by 10:00a.m. if your child will be absent.  If an illness will cause absence of more than three days, please call the Health Office at 563-3733.  All children absent from school with a communicable illness must report to the Health Office before returning to class.  Examples of communicable illnesses include but are not limited to: pink eye, head lice, scarlet fever, chicken pox, strep throat, ringworm, scabies and impetigo.



If your child is injured, (i.e. bike accident, car accident, broken bones or sprains) or has surgery, please contact the Health Office.  A Health Care Provider's note is required in order for a child to return to school and to be excused from PE (gym) activities, providing the reason as well as the time period of the excuse.  Please be advised, any child who is excused from Physical Education (gym) will not be allowed to actively participate in recess for the duration of the excuse.  Medical clearance is necessary for Physical Education/Recess if there has been an excuse from these activities.



All members of the school staff are interested in the health and happiness of your child.  Physical and  emotional health is vital to your child’s educational progress.  If it is deemed necessary by the teacher in charge that the child is sent to the Health Office, the student must present a pass from their teacher which is dated and timed as he/she enters and leaves the Health Office.  If a child is coming to the Health Office frequently, we may ask you to take them to their doctor to determine if there is a serious underlying illness.



New York State Law requires that all children attending school must be fully immunized against polio, varicella, hepatitis B, tetanus, pertussis(DTaP, DTP), measles, mumps and rubella.  Incoming kindergarten students, born after 1/1/98, are required to have the varicella vaccine or show proof, signed by a health care provider, of having had the disease. If your child has not received a complete immunization series, it will be necessary to begin such a series immediately.  We are required to exclude from school any child who is not fully immunized or in the process or receiving their immunizations. Exceptions are granted for health or religious reasons.


In accordance with New York State Education Law 903, a physical examination is required of students within 30 days of entry into school and entry into pre-k, kindergarten, grades 2 and 4, Committee on Special Education participants (CSE).  The examination must not have been given more than 12 months prior to the start of the school year, in which the examination is required, and it is valid for 1 year through the last date of the month in which the physical was given except if the student has had an illness lasting more than 5 days.  All completed examination forms must be returned to the health office at the school your child is attending no later than 30 days from the start of school or entry into school, pre-k, kindergarten, grades 2 and 4.  If your child’s physical examination has not been done within 30 days you must present a verifiable appointment card indicating a physical examination has been scheduled.



All students in the school will have annual height and weight measurements. Vision Screenings are given in grades K, 1, 2, 3 & 5.  Hearing screenings are given in grades K, 1, 3 & 5.  A Scoliosis screening is given in grades 5.



Over the counter medications and prescription medications may not be given in the school setting unless the following procedure is followed. The parent must provide:

  • Written signed orders from the child's Health Care Provider (even for over the counter medications and creams) including the name of the medication, dosage to be given, time to be given and for how many days.
  • Signed permission from the parent to give the medication.
  • Parent or other responsible adult must bring the medication in the original labeled container to the Health Office.  Students are not allowed to carry medications to school on the school bus.



The "Pink Health Emergency cards" are used each year to make contact with the designated responsible person(s) in the event of illness or injury.  If the student is seriously ill or injured, the parent/guardian will be contacted.  For less serious injuries or illnesses, a brief note will be sent home.  It is extremely important that each student have a pink Health Emergency card on file in the Health Office with their current address, home phone number, parent/guardian work place and phone number and at least one other additional adult contact in the event of an emergency when the parent/guardian cannot be located.  Please include area codes with all phone numbers. If you move or change telephone numbers, immediately notify the main office.



During library visits students are introduced to the best in children's literature, encouraged to expand their interest in the world around them, instructed in the many aspects of library and study skills necessary for school success, are exposed to a variety of literature and cultures from around the world.  Students are taught valuable research skills, and students are supported in developing projects that within their IB Units of Study.  Students also have opportunities to check out library materials during designated open library times during the school day.



At the beginning of the school year students are issued a series of textbooks to use from September to June.  Of course with anything that is used on a daily basis, normal "wear and tear" will occur. However, if there is severe damage to a book or the book has been lost, the student will be assessed a replacement cost for that book.  This policy also applies to damaged or lost library books.  If this responsibility is not met, your child may not attend field trips and a report card will not be issued.  


Response to Intervention (RtI) is a committee comprised of teachers, math and reading specialists, psychologists, counselors, attendance teacher, and an administrator.  Teachers refer students to the RtI when there are academic concerns regarding students in their class.  The goal of the RtI is to put research based interventions in place so that students are successful in the classroom.  The RtI will use academic and behavior interventions aligned to the IB Learner Profile and Attitudes when designing and implementing aids for students.  Parents are an integral participant to the RtI team and are always invited to participate.  Notices are sent home when meetings are scheduled. 



Horizons on the Hudson Magnet School l follows the ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵ District’s Code of Conduct.Expectations are being taught to all students throughout the year. Disciplinary referrals are made to the Principal or Assistant Principal if a student violates the school/district expectations. Disciplinary consequences include phone calls to parents, parent meetings, recess detention, and school suspension.



Dress your child in clothing that is appropriate for school and for the season. For safety reasons, sneakers or shoes must be tied or fastened in some way. High heeled shoes, flip-flops, shoes with very thick soles, slippers, and shoes with rollers or wheels attached are not acceptable for school and/or playground use. All students must wear sneakers with tied laces or closed fasteners for physical education. Children should wear boots and warm clothing in snowy weather. They will be going outside for recess. Children will be asked to call home for a change of clothing if their clothes are distracting to the instructional program. Clothing with obscene, suggestive, racist, bullying or disrespectful words or designs is not permitted in school. Clothing that promotes or advertises drug use, smoking, or alcohol is not permitted in school.



Required Dress: Sneakers and comfortable clothing. No Jewelry. Students should not wear any jewelry to physical education class. (No earrings. watches. bracelets, chains, or rings). If an earring is removed for gym, it is the student's responsibility to replace the earring after gym.


Physical Education Excuses  

A note from the student's parent/guardian is required to excuse a child from class participation. It is necessary to have a note from a doctor for an excuse from gym longer than one day. All physical education notes must be brought to the Health Office.



Everyone who rides the ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵ District buses must observe the following RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING RIDING THE SCHOOL BUS.

  1. The bus driver has authority over all pupils and responsibility to enforce all rules and regulations on the bus.
  2. Students shall be ready when the bus arrives and shall enter promptly.
  3. There shall be no unusual loudness in the way of talking, laughing, or unnecessary confusion which will interfere with the effectiveness of the bus driver.
  4. Shoving, pushing, profane and obscene language are prohibited on the bus.
  5. Students shall keep their head, arms, and hands inside the bus at all times.
  6. There shall be no drinking or eating on the bus.
  7. Students shall keep the bus clean and sanitary.
  8. Students shall keep the seat assigned by the driver, unless they have permission to move.
  9. Students shall pass through the aisle to and from assigned seats without disturbing or crowding others.
  10. Students shall remain seated and facing forward at all times while the bus is in motion.
  11. Students shall not bring radios, tapes, and other audio players on the bus.
  12. The driver has a serious responsibility and students shall obey promptly and respectfully.
  13. Students must always cross approximately fifteen feet in front of the bus.
  14. Principals must suspend a student from bus riding privileges if his or her conduct interferes with bus safety or violates bus riding rules and regulations.
  15. Supervision to the bus stop, at the bus stop, and home from the bus stop is a parental responsibility.
  16. Students cannot bring live animals or insects on the bus even if in a container or box.
  17. Students are not permitted to make an occasional bus route change. Any bus route change must be on a regular basis and the necessary form must be on file at the school and transportation office.
  18. Students cannot bring an item on the bus that cannot be held on the lap comfortably. (Regulation of N.Y.S. Department of Transportation)
  19. If your child misses the bus it will be the parents’ responsibility to pick up your child.





School rules published in this handbook are subject to changes as may be needed to insure continued compliance with federal, state and local regulations and are subject to such review and alterations as become necessary for the routine operation of the school.  Not all rules of behavior can be written and inserted in a guidebook; however, we expect students to follow reasonable rules and not violate the rights of others




Main Switchboard
Food Services
BOE Clerk
Human Resources
Tax Office
Newburgh Free Library


Meadow Hill
New Windsor
Temple Hill
Vails Gate
Heritage Middle
South Middle
NFA Main
NFA North
NFA West